Who we are?

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Giza, Egypt
Oh I come from a land, from a far away place…where a caravan camels roam...Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense…it’s barbaric but hey...its home


Two "Soulmates" & their "Best Friend"

Well, this post will be written entirely in English and I hope it might sound as nice as other posts written earlier......... Hmmmm....well I can't say I used Arabic when I wrote my previous posts..... Because even if I don't master the Arabic language, I just can't degrade it to the degree of saying that what we call "francoarab" is actually Arabic...even if it composed of emglish letters and arabic meanings but still it has nothing to do with either Arabic nor English....but I guess we might call it "Hartala".

I will try to write my best in English just because I promised a very nice "Mozza" that I would write "Hartala" that she would understand.

Therefore, this post is specially dedicated to my "Mozza" Turkish friend and her soulmate (who is also one of my very best friends who I adore).

Before proceeding, I want to tell you girls that I am not jealous AT ALL that both of u r soulmates while I am ONLY ur friend or best friend).
But since both of u r soulmates and you are now considered more than sisters....so I guess I won't be coming between u girls and try to do something special for my best friend on her birthday....well I was trying to convince my family to allow me to fly out of the country for a couple of days, just to spend your bd with my best friend!!
I hope my "Mozza" would have thought of doing something that nice to her "soulmate" :p

I might not have shared with u memories about the wrong names written on ur birthday cakes....but as far as I recall, no one have ever gotten u a bd cake before and while we were still at ur bd we started discussing how inexpensive (I don't want to say cheap) the cake was (although it tasted really good) and then started to say who will pay the 40 L.E. For the cake (lisa na2es 40 geneeh bta3et el torta)!!!! So I guess this doesn't count as a nice bd memory to u anymore after u found ur Turkish "soulmate" :p
I am sure soulmates are the only people who would bother to buy an air ticket and fly all the way from where they are just to spend your bd with u!!! I am sure my "Mozza" did think about doing this for u as well.

So since we are only best friends I will simply make use of the 2800 LE that I was about to pay for my plane ticket and I would rather make the usual midnight bd phone call instead (its much cheaper after all :p)

So u 2 have fun together as "Soulmates".... And I won't be dedicating anything to u :p and I won't write more posts in English.

Afterall, Hartala won't be Hartala when written in English. Because simply
Hartala is "Mozza"....
Hartala is "Eshta"....
Hartala is "siko siko".....
Hartala is "Arab Garab"....
Hartala is "zis is za sphinx...el face face man wel body body lion" ---» I hope u still haven't forgotten ur very first Hartala lesson by the Pyramids with Mido our so cool Egyptian guide!
So how am I supposed to translate all these terms into English????? And I am sure u can manage reading my other posts with the translation made by ur "soulmate".....as far as I recall "Mozza was one of the very first words u learnt in Arabic!!!

Love u girls though :)

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