Good News to all anti-smokers out there...Taxes on Cigarettes, Me3asel wel "Nesho2" will increase by a percentage ranging between 40-100 %
Howa el 7okooma bet2ool enohom hayzawedo el dareeba 3ala 7abet 7agat kda 3ashan el public debt mish 3arfeen yesedooh meneen....bas el so2al hena....leh el 7okooma 3ayza te7rem el nas men el sagayer???
Ya3ny el nas mish la2ya telbes, wala la2ya takol, we yadobak el sagayer wel shay homa el bey3delo el tasa....tela2y el wa7ed men dol mish 7'arman sogara ma3a kobayet shay 3al sob7 3ashan yefawa2 we yerakez....fa leh haye7remo el nas men a2al 7aga momkin tebset-hom???
Bas I think eno feh kaza sabab wara el mawdoo3 dah...being an economists (aw ma3aya shehada fel ektesad me3ala2aha fel matba7')...fa ne2dar ne2ol eno lama el price bta3 commodity beyzeed aktar men el satisfaction ely el wa7ed haya7'do men nafas el segara....fa kda mish haykoon equal to what you actually pay for el nafas dah (we manensash sooret el shab el mayet el 7atooh 3ala 3elbet el sagayer, we manensash bardo el sora el mish 3arfa awsefha be eh 3'eer eno fel fatra ely fatet el yebos 3ala 3elbet sagayer beytkesef aktar men eno yetfarag 3ala "el 7a2ee2a wara2 Melody Drama") fa be basata el 7okooma 7'alas mish 3ayza el nas teshrab sagayer....they are trying to decrease the satisfaction that people gets out of smoking cigarettes....ya ged3an dah 7ata el sagayer wel shisha 7'atar 3al se7a.
fa el 7al ba2a yekoon eh lama el sagayer te3'la??? el wa7ed momkin ye3mel shift between products....ya3ny el sagayer wel shisha ba2o 3'alyeen...ne7'aleena fel 7ashish wel bango!
Walahi el 7okoma deh laziza awi...they increased the price of tobacco products and at the same time el Azhar tala3 fatwa (lisa feh gadal 3aliha) el fatwa bet2ool "تبيح استخدام المخدرات في أغراض طبية " ......ya3ny homa beyedoko hint men ta7t le ta7t aho enoko te7ashisho we ento el bardo mosamemeen 3al sagayer??? Mish fahma ya3ny ye3melo eh aktar men kda??? Sowar we 7atolko 3al 3elab....darayeb we 3'alo se3raha ba2a??? Hanetma3 wala hanetma3?
Your chance is out there guys...Enjoy the 7ashish...Enjoy the Bango....and then you might as well Enjoy the Country and stop complaining about the Syster....Be the System...Enjoy the System!
P.S. I am a big anti-cigarettes person...but is it true that imposing a Tax on Tobacco Products has become our only way towards balancing our public debt? Seebo 7aga lel nas tetkayef beeha ba2a 7aram 3aliko....ah sa7 ana asfa...neseet enohom hayetkayefo bel 7ashish badal el sagayer kda!
Edeeny el 7o2na Besor3a...Argook Me7taga el Gor3a
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