Howa leh mafeesh helicopters keteer fe masr? I think el 7okooma should really consider making use of the air space we have. El howa leh neseeb 7eta fadya fel balad we manesta3'alhash??? 7aram de mesa7a fadya we rabena hay7asebna 3aliha ya3ny!! Ya3ny al hamd lelah we are overusing the land, and we are using the underground…so why not use el gaw Kaman?
Instead of making use of the tiniest space fel shaware3…el howa badal ma nezawed el 3arabeyat aktar we aktar…aw badal ma nefta7 7'otoot gedid lel metro ...we can also make use lel gaw...bas el so2al hayeb2a….e7na hane3raf nenazam el gaw???