Who we are?

My photo
Giza, Egypt
Oh I come from a land, from a far away place…where a caravan camels roam...Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense…it’s barbaric but hey...its home


"The trouble with being punctual is that there is nobody's there to appreciate it"

Embare7 kont ma3zooma 3ala katb ketab fel game3 el sa3a etneen. Imagine katb ketab on a Sunday at 02:00 P.M.???
awel lama et3azamt i was like....Howa el 3elteen fadyeen awi kda wala eh? Asl law 2olna el 3arosa wel 3arees lisa mabyeshta3'aloosh we mama set beit....tayeb baba? 3amo? 7'alo? ebn 3am ebn 7'alet daddy? a7'ohom el so3'ayar el lisa fel gam3a aw fel madrasa? o7'tohom el kebeera el 3eyalha fel madrasa? ay 7ad? maho mish tabee3y el nas kolaha fadya youm el 7ad ya3ny!

7'alas ana maly ba2a...kolhom wa7'deen agaza we ana wa7da mish bashta3'al fa aho kwayes eny la2eet 7aga tesaleeny we so7aby fel sho3'l el sob7 (tab3an ma7adesh menhom kan raye7 ma3aya). se7eet el sob7 we lebest el 7eta el zefra wel fostan el mabyetla3sh 3'er fel monasabat el sa3eeda wel a3yad (ew3a 7ad yefteker eno da el fostan abo karaneesh...la2 fostan mo3tabar we mostawrad kaman....abo karaneesh da beytla3 fe el 3eed el so3'ayar bas)....we tab3an be tabee3et 7al mo3zam el banat...nezelt men betna el sa3a 02:20 ma3a en katb el ketab el sa3a etneen we ana sakna be3eed awi 3ano. bas 2olt 7'alas aho el wa7ed yeroo7 yesalem fel a7'er we aslan el donia betb2a za7ma we ma7adesh wa7'ed balo men geh emta wala ya3ny el 3arosa hatseeb kol el nas we teshofny ana wana gaya met2a7'ar....we besara7a i thought eno law lafeet we rege3t and i didnt go...ha3od fel beit we tab3an mama hat2oly either: tidy up ur room we tet7'ane2 ma3aya...aw she will have this heart to heart conversation with her youngest daughter we te2oly nefsi afra7 biki? aslo ana mish shayfa ay 7ad monaseb 7awaleena 3ashan tetgawezeeh and then she will start the endless do3a el ya rab erzo2ha bel 3arees kwayes...AY 7AD YA RAB AY 7AD!!! ma 3alina lets not comment on this and get back on track.
ana kont fel taree2 le katb el ketab...kamelt fe taree2y we weselt at 03:10...ana 2olt akeeeeeedddd katb el ketab 7'eles wel nas meshyet we ra7o el lunch reception (this was at another place be3eed awi 3an el game3). da7'alt el game3 we 2olt ashof yemken yekono lisa ma7'alasoosh...la2eet o7't el 3arees ba3d el mabrook we rabena yetamem be 7'eir wel lazy meno...2oltelha omal feen el 3arosa?? she told me lisa magatsh, zamanha 3ala wesool!!! OMG!! dana gaya fe ma3ady ba2a 3ala keda...we 2olt akeed shwya wel bent hateegy....we tab3an ma7adsh men el asdeka2 kan mawgood fa a3adt lewa7dy fe korsy 3ala ganb kda we 3esht 7ayaty ana wel BlackBerry bta3y. shwya wel 3asr 2edan...ro7na tab3an saleena (akeed mish kol el nas 2amet tesaly...bas bema eny kont metwadeya fe betna fa 2omt saleet). 7'alasna sala we 2olna akeed el bent gat 7'alas ba2a! bardo mafeesh....bas bardo fedelt a3da (bas now i did find 2 of my friends to sit with). a3adna tab3an nam 3al nas...until finally el 3aroosa gat at 4:20!!!! yanhar abyad...sa3teen we nos ta27'eer!!! bs wana maly kol wa7ed 7or...7'alasna katb el ketab tab3an fe rob3 sa3a 3ashan el nas kan ba2alha keteer mestanya wel mafrood fe 3'ada ya3ny wel nas ebtadet tegoo3! we kolo tele3 gary 3al makan el feh el lunch reception.

tab3an people will wonder:
1- How come the mosque let them stay in the place for almost 3 hours?????? Da el mafrood sa3a we e2leb! well awalan 3ashan mazonesh en fe 7ad haye3mel katb ketabo on a sunday at 2:00 pm! and secondly, because the mosque beta3 wa7ed men el 2arayeb!
2- why didnt they do katb el ketab fel makan el feh el lunch? leh el sha7tata? a2oloko 3ashan el 3arees kan 3ayez ye3mel event fel game3 we yegeeb shei7' yed3y we ye2ol 7'otba we yesalo ma3a ba3d el 3asr...ya3ny he wanted a cute religious ceremony....bas the bride missed it!

Bardo wana maly ya 3am...el mohem el FOOODDDD....roz we la7ma we torta wel lazy meno and now we can start talking! weselna el hotel for the lunch recepton at almost 6:30 PM....da ba2a 3ashan kda ya ged3an! da7'alna wel 3arosa we 3arees mada7'aloosh...aslohom ra7o ya7'do their wedding photos! tab3an el ahl kano mish taye2nhom we nazelo el appetizer until they finish taking their photos. we sa3a 3adet we e7na me2adeynha 3eesh we gebna we nuts and the bride and groom still didnt show up...so the family decided to open the buffet we 7'alas.

el buffet ba2a kan gamed el sara7a, its was worth the wait....sushi we chinese corner we pasta station we kol el nefsak feh. wel 7elw kan 7elw...bas e7na a7'adna el chocolate fountain le 7esabna we a3adna ba2a...la2 a3adna a3adna ya3ny mish tahreeg.

feen ba2a 7'alasna 3ala 8:30 we kalna we kolo tamam wel hamd lelah el 3aroosa wel 3arees gom at last!!! bas ma3a el asaf....the wedding kan 7'eles...and i am sorry to tell u that u actually missed ur own wedding guys. the event took place and ended and u werent there to celebrate it ma3a el asaf!! we since eno kan fara7 men 3'eer ra2s wala hags...fa a7'adna ba3deena we mesheena!

We although I was not that punctual and bas bardo no one was there to appreciate it!

Bas sebko el akl 3awad fel a7'er kol 7aga...maho kol ta27'eera we feha 7'eera....we 3o2baly we 3o2bal Hamada of the Blog we 3o2bal kol el matgawezoosh wel metgawezeen we 3ayzeen yetgawezo tany mayemna3sh bardo!