Who we are?

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Giza, Egypt
Oh I come from a land, from a far away place…where a caravan camels roam...Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense…it’s barbaric but hey...its home


Identity Crisis…..Am I a Facebookian or a Twitterian?????

Damn you my school…Damn you my university….Damn the Egyptian Educational System….Damn the Society…...Damn Peer Pressure….Damn the Traditions….Damn the Culture….and Definitely Damn Everything that’s leading me to have such an Identity Crisis!!!

Who am I??? Where do I belong??? Which person do I really care for?? Do I care for the Facebook person in me? Or do I care more for the Twitter person in me? Or do I want to live a little bit of this and a little bit of that? Reaching a middle point in between is waaayyyyy toooooo hard!!!

Am I the person who hates the stupid "francoarab" way of writing….and yet insists on using it all the time? Or am I the person who forces herself to type in Arabic (sometimes) no matter how time it takes me to find the ذ on the keyboard!!!!
Al la3na 3ala kol ma yatsabab fel identity crisis that I am facing now…al la3na 3ala el Twitter!
Al hamd lelah…so far ma7adesh men el airheads ektashafo el Twitter or are interested in using it we lisa el Facebook howa a7san 7aga fe 7ayat-hom….bas homa ebtado yezha2o we 2arabo yedawaro 3ala el Twitter…maho dah dayman el bey7sal….yezha2o mel 3agamy we yetla3o 3ala Marina…yezha2o men Marina fa yetla3o 3ala Diplo….yezha2o men kol dol…fa yetla3o 3ala gomheryet Marassi al mota7eda!!

El wa7ed yed7'ol 3al Facebook yela2y el nas laziza we having fun we status kolaha "Here's the mini-cherry on top of the regular cherry on top of the sundae of awesomeness that is my life" - Barney Stinson" wala maslan "so happy 4 my sweet …….. babeeeeeee" wala maslan "First Villa, next Fabregas...Barca just keep getting better and better!"

We ala2y nas da7'la teshtery shonat LV we Prada we Gucci we ye3melo online shopping we actually they do have the money to buy…we ala2y el events le 7agat lateefa…open days, weddings, birthdays, trips abroad, openings to major events…ya3ny mel a7'er people who are living their lives in the best possible way with no worries and no concerns!

On the other hand….el wa7ed yetnayel yed7'ol 3al Twitter…yela2y shellet activists a3deen 3amaleen yetkalemo 3an 7al el balad…we mish 3arfa meen et2abad 3alih…we mish 3arfa el mozaharat beta3et feen 7asal feeha eh….we terrorists attacks…we demonstrations we 7al balad yek2eb….we nas teshtem fe mobarak we nas mestanya el Baradie yeegy....we nas ta3bana fe om el balad de!!!

Ana meen feehom? Dana awel lama da7'alt el Twitter we ba2ool ya hady…wa7da dabetny post 3an el nas el betkteb bel francoarab style and are not caring about our beloved language!! Check it out Here Wala howa ana ya3ny lama akteb "mozza" we "hartala" we "edeeny fel hayef wana a7ebak ya nananas" bel 7oroof el 3araby…dah hay7'aly el lo3'a a7san??? Maho kalamna daye3 men el asas…Ah el wa7ed 3aref en our language is deteriorating we ah ana 3arfa eno I am not doing anything about it or to improve it…and yes my mum hates it when she sees me writing like this on facebook and always preaches me about how our language is collapsing and that i shouldnt write this way….but HELL we live in a society and culture where the stronger dominates…ma3a e3terady el shedeed we eny nawya ada7'al 3eyaly madares 7okoomy men asaso 3ashan yetnayelo we yethabebo we yet3alemo ely ma3reftesh at3alemo…we mayed7'oloosh madares tefdal te2olohom "talk in English please" el howa katkom el araf wala tala3toony ba3raf 3araby wala engleezy wala 3arfa ana taba3 Facebook wala Twitter!!

So to hell with everything!!! I will be me…no one is to judge me! Will not allow the Facebookians to judge what I do on Twitter and I will not allow Twitterians to judge what I do on Facebook…. I am both and will always be both….I will always have this Identity Crisis and will always remain in between...not Knowing where do I belong. I will always feel eno shabab el Facebook tafheen we day3een we mawarhomsh 7aga 3'eer el gossip and going out and living in their own Bubble….and at the same time I will always feel that the Twitter people are way ko2aba and I will always be the airheaded girl between them!

Al La3na 3ala al gamee3 (including me)

Sebko mel Sagayer we Sebko mel Me3asel...dah el 7ashish howa ely Beyestel!

Good News to all anti-smokers out there...Taxes on Cigarettes, Me3asel wel "Nesho2" will increase by a percentage ranging between 40-100 %

Howa el 7okooma bet2ool enohom hayzawedo el dareeba 3ala 7abet 7agat kda 3ashan el public debt mish 3arfeen yesedooh meneen....bas el so2al hena....leh el 7okooma 3ayza te7rem el nas men el sagayer???

Ya3ny el nas mish la2ya telbes, wala la2ya takol, we yadobak el sagayer wel shay homa el bey3delo el tasa....tela2y el wa7ed men dol mish 7'arman sogara ma3a kobayet shay 3al sob7 3ashan yefawa2 we yerakez....fa leh haye7remo el nas men a2al 7aga momkin tebset-hom???

Bas I think eno feh kaza sabab wara el mawdoo3 dah...being an economists (aw ma3aya shehada fel ektesad me3ala2aha fel matba7')...fa ne2dar ne2ol eno lama el price bta3 commodity beyzeed aktar men el satisfaction ely el wa7ed haya7'do men nafas el segara....fa kda mish haykoon equal to what you actually pay for el nafas dah (we manensash sooret el shab el mayet el 7atooh 3ala 3elbet el sagayer, we manensash bardo el sora el mish 3arfa awsefha be eh 3'eer eno fel fatra ely fatet el yebos 3ala 3elbet sagayer beytkesef aktar men eno yetfarag 3ala "el 7a2ee2a wara2 Melody Drama") fa be basata el 7okooma 7'alas mish 3ayza el nas teshrab sagayer....they are trying to decrease the satisfaction that people gets out of smoking cigarettes....ya ged3an dah 7ata el sagayer wel shisha 7'atar 3al se7a.

fa el 7al ba2a yekoon eh lama el sagayer te3'la??? el wa7ed momkin ye3mel shift between products....ya3ny el sagayer wel shisha ba2o 3'alyeen...ne7'aleena fel 7ashish wel bango!

Walahi el 7okoma deh laziza awi...they increased the price of tobacco products and at the same time el Azhar tala3 fatwa (lisa feh gadal 3aliha) el fatwa bet2ool "تبيح استخدام المخدرات في أغراض طبية " ......ya3ny homa beyedoko hint men ta7t le ta7t aho enoko te7ashisho we ento el bardo mosamemeen 3al sagayer??? Mish fahma ya3ny ye3melo eh aktar men kda??? Sowar we 7atolko 3al 3elab....darayeb we 3'alo se3raha twice....eh ba2a??? Hanetma3 wala hanetma3?

Your chance is out there guys...Enjoy the 7ashish...Enjoy the Bango....and then you might as well Enjoy the Country and stop complaining about the Syster....Be the System...Enjoy the System!

P.S. I am a big anti-cigarettes person...but is it true that imposing a Tax on Tobacco Products has become our only way towards balancing our public debt? Seebo 7aga lel nas tetkayef beeha ba2a 7aram 3aliko....ah sa7 ana asfa...neseet enohom hayetkayefo bel 7ashish badal el sagayer kda!

Edeeny el 7o2na Besor3a...Argook Me7taga el Gor3a

الي أمن الدولة و بئس المصير

Heya aslaha 7'arbana 7'arbana.....ana maleesh fel seyasa we mish ba7eb el seyasa...bas bema enaha 7'arbana keda wala keda....fa mafeesh mane3 enaha tekmal ba2a.....


Good News....Starbucks, Sequoia and the Four Seasons didn't increase their Menu Prices!!

Ana kan maly we mal el seyasa bas!! Wala maly we mal 7al el balad….akteb 3anhom leeh??

Mana a3da betna mo3azaza mokarama….. wakla, sharba, nayma, 7'arga and someone is paying my bills!!

Asl ya3ny el Sokkar 3'ely….did it affect me? Did this make Starbuck increase the price of its Latté? Maho lisa badfa3 el 20 geneeh fe kobayet el Lattee beta3et kol youm! Wala maslan Le Carnaval kan 3'ala se3r el 7aga beta3to? Lisa bardo nafs as3ar el torat wel gateaux…
Wala el la7ma ely wesel se3raha 80 geneeh…..hal dah 7'ala el Four Seasons ye3'aly se3r el open Sushi and Steak Night beta3 every Tuesday? HELL NO!!! The price is still the same!

Wala el samak ya3ny lama se3ro ye3'la…we 7ata law Mori Sushi increased the prices of its Menu….will this cause Sequoia eno ye2alel se3r el minimum charge? Bardo la2a…da el wa7ed mabye3rafsh ye7'alas el minimum charge henak ezay aslan!

Fa bgad bgad….ana mish fahma el nas betshteky men eh??? Maho el restaurants wel cafehat kolaha ahom saybeen as3arhom zy ma heya!!!

Ya3ny 3ayzeen el 7okooma te3mel eh?? Mish zanbohom en as3ar el 7aga is increasing?? You can go protest to the "Carrefour" guys…they are the ones who increase prices!!!
So people seriously you've got to stop all the stupid demonstrations that’s been going on and stop complaining about everything in life!
Come on…look at the bright side…and if you can no longer afford going to the fancy places….balash Starbucks and get your latte from On the Run…we balash Four Seasons and go to Le Pacha instead….we balaha Sequoia we ro7o Caracas!!!

Bgad I hate whiny people….mish ma32oula bgad!!!

P.S. Leh ya Daddy magebteleesh Villa fe France so that I can take some time off we asafer a3'ayar gaw henak we arta7 men el mahzala ely bet7sal fel balad deh! El nas mish 3arfa te2adar 7'alas meen el sabab fe zeyadet el as3ar we 3amleen dawsha tool el nahar 3al fady!!

Men Enahrda Mafeesh 7okooma

Ana embare7 2olt eny lama amsek el 7okooma han2el maglesh el sha3b wel shora fe west el sa7ara 3ashan el 3ayez ya3tasem ya7'od ra7to henak we aho ma7adesh yesma3lohom…bas mish ma3na eny a2ool el nas ta7'od ra7et-ha fel e3tesam….mish enohom ya7'do ra7et-hom awi kda!!

Ya3ny mish le daraget en el nas ba2et ta3tasem we lamo2a7'za fe de el kelma bel "underwear"!!

Howa shaklaha kda men el naharda mafeesh 7okooma! We mish ana el 7okooma…bas I think eno el mawdoo3 kan ba2alo shewaya we howa "mafeesh 7okooma" mish enahrda bas!


Check out this Article for more details


Men el Nahrda Mafeesh 7okooma…Ana el 7okooma!

Ma7adesh ye2dar yenker el dor el kebeer ely el 7okooma bet3melo for our lovely and beloved (or so i assume) country. Bas el wa7ed nefso besara7a el 7okooma ta7'od agaza shwya…mish 3ashan 7aga, bas 3ashan el nas (el heya el 7okooma tab3an) sha2yana we ta3bana tol el nahar fa men 7a2aha ta7'od agaza…..we 3ashan ye3rafo yetla3o agaza, lazem 7ad yemsek makanhom…fa men el a7'er…

Men el Nahrda Mafeesh 7okooma…Ana el 7okooma!

We bema eny mish hakoon 3ayza adaya3 wa2t teweel 3ashan al7a2 abl ma amsek el mohema el gedida bta3ty fa akeed fe 7agat lazem a3melha besor3a we awelha…
Haroo7 azoor we asalem 3ala kol el nas we kol so7aby we 7abyby ely ha3od wa2t keteeeeeeeerrrr awi mashofhomsh…..asly madmansh ha7'rog men el 7okooma tany emta….asl ta2reban el 7okooma feha bab do7'ool we mafeesh exit door….we 3ala ra2y el masal ely bey2ol….howa de7'ool el 7amam zy 7'orogo…el 7amam el wa7ed bey7'rog meno merta7…wel 7okooma el wa7ed bey7'rog menha 3ala ra7a abadeya bardak!

Ba3d el salam wel kalam….kda ba2a nebtedy el sho3'l el mateen we wa7da wa7da ha2dar a3ady bel balad de le bar el aman 3ala masafet ma yeegy el karn el 22 kda….maho mafeesh 7aga be3eeda 3ala rabena. 
Besm Allah al ra7man al ra7eem we hanebda2 el Leila…… Karana na7no bema howa 2aty:

1- Han2el magles el sha3b wel shora le makan fe nos el sa7ara…el nas el 3ayza te3tasem ba2a we tebat henak…teroo7 tetnayel fe west el sa7ara….bas maygoosh fe west el walad yewa2afo el taree2 lel raye7 yeshof masal7o we ash3'alo….7'alas 7'aleeko henak ba2a e3tasemo we e3melo el ento 3ayzeeno le7ad ma neshof hansaketko ezay men 3'eer ma nedelko matalebko! Asl shakl el nas ebtadet testa7laha a3da we kol men hab we dab haye3mely e3tesam….we 3ala eh waaga3 el dema3'…ana a3melohom makan special ya3tasemo feh ganb el magles el gedid….we a7'aly el nas testarza2 menhom…negeeb 3arabeyet foul we koshary we wa7ed ye3melohom shay….we tamam el tamam….yo3odo henak yenafa3o el nas el 3'alaba deh…we ya3tasemo bera7et-hom we fe nafs el wa2t mangebsh za7ma fe west el balad aktar men keda…..we ahy masla7a bardo eno Ahmed Ezz yet7a'ne2 fe magels el sha3b lewa7do fe west el sa7ara howa we ba2eet el shabab beto3 el magles men 3'eer ma 7ad yesam3hom!

2- Ha7'aly kol a7zab el mo3arda te2ool ra2yaha be montaha el 7oreya….we ha7'aly el e7'wan yeb2o akbar men el 7ezb el watany Kaman we leehom amaken fe magles el sha3b keteera awi zy ma homa 3ayzeen….laken ely mish har7amhom ba2a……ay wa7ed haybayen no2tet 3'aba2 aw yetkalem we howa aslan 3'aby…da ba2a mish bs hawadeeh el mo3ta2al…wala amn el dawla....la2, el mo3ta2al we amn el dawla ra7ma bel nesbalo….ana hasalat 3alih zabet malyan 3o2ad nafseya mekalka3a we aboh we omo kano beydrabooh we howa so3'ayar we kamaaannn 3ando 7ekd tabaky we malyan 3'el 3ayez yetala3o 3al nas…… el zabet el sokkara dah ba2a haya7'od el 3'aby men dool 3ando kda fel 2esm we haseebo yedala3o be ma3refto…we hadeelo kol el sala7eyat!! The Government's New Slogan would be: Ma3an le Nag3al Masr Bela A3'beya2!!!! Asta7mel ay 7aga fel donia ela el 3'aba2!

3- Ha7ot ba2a restrictions le ay 7ad yesta3mel el mowasalat el 3ama…..ay wa7ed hayerkab ay mowasalat men 3'eer ma yekoon mesta7amy abl ma yenzel el sob7…….wala yekon mesta7amy 7ata el sob7 we ma7atesh deodorant fa re7to ba2et 3ara2 3ala ba3d el dohr.….hayetshad men 2afah we yetmene3 men rekoob ay mowasla 3ama le ba2eet 7ayato!!! we 3ala Allah ashem re7eet wa7ed mish mesta7amy, bas beystazka we 3amel feha mesta7amy we 7atetly perfume men betoo3 "asans shadia"…da ba2a wala ta2beeda hatkafeeh 3ekab!! we 3ashan nesahel lel mowataneeen mawdoo3 el 7omoom….hanwaza3 sabona hedeya ma3a ay 7ad ye3mel aboneeh fe ay mowaasla….we Kaman hanwaza3 deodrants for free….we 3ashan ya3ny ner7am el nas shwya bardo…..ha3mel makan 3and kol maw2af autobees aw microbaass we ma7atat el metro…wel makan dah haykoon feh shower we saboon we shampoo wel 7agat ely el nas bet7'af testa7'demha deh…3ashan ely nesy yesta7ama el sob7…hadeelo forsa a7'era we mayeb2ash 3ando 7egga!

4- Ay wa7ed beyshrab sagayer we 3eyalo el so3'ayareen a3deen ma3ah fe nafs el 2oda…. aw ay 7ad yekoon metgawez badry abl so7abo….we yekoon 3ayez yo7'rog ma3a so7ab fa ye2oom ya7'od 3eyalo yefasa7hom ma3ah fel cafehat el feha shisha we sagayer…..dol ba2a ha3mel karar a7'odhom we a7otohom fe 2oda ma2foola mafeehash wala shebak wala ay makan yed7'ol meno nesmet hawa….we hageeeb shellet nas betshrab sagayer 7aree2a yenfo7'o fel 2oda deh men bara….we howa yo3od ba2a lewa7do gowa zy el kalb men 3'eer ma yekoon ma3ah wala segara! La2 we ha7'aleehom kaman yenfo7'o do7'an sagayer cleopatra!!

5- Zy ma ro7'set el 3arabeya beykoon maktoob 3aliha rakam el shaseeh 3ashan ma7adesh ye3raf yebee3 3arabeya masroo2a….ha3mel karar gomhoory eno el 3arabeyat el BMW wel Mercedes tenzel be unique number maktoob 3ala el 3alama bta3et el BMW wel Mercedes we tetsagel fel ro7'sa bta3et el 3arabeya….we ay kalb ye7awel yesra2aha ba2a men 3arabeyet 3'alban (aw mish 3'alban awi, howa akeed el sara2 el 3alama howa el 3'alban bas 3ando 7ekd tabaky) bas 3amatan….el haye3mel kda….sa3et-ha mish haye3raf yetsaraf fel 3alama we hayseeb el nas fe 7alha ba2a!

6- I will BAN and FORBID the usage of internet, wel forga 3al television wel mokalmat fel mobile for more than 10 minutes and 5 sms er day…el 3ayzeen ye7ebo ba2a yetsarafo we yerga3o yeb3ato bareed….bas I will force people to read (and I will ban English books Kaman)…men el a7'er ana ha2dy 3al 2omeya el e7na feeha!!!!!! El internet ma7'alanash azkeya we lamo2a7'za da 7'alana a3'beya….mafeesh tafkeer, mafeesh lo3'a, mafeesh general knowledge….we just "google" whatever we want and then we get the answer we want to everything in life….te2olsh google dol waly men aweley2 Allah el sal7een! Fa men el a7'er el nas haterga3 le channel 1 we 2, we Nile Eucation we bas….we mafeesh any other source to the outside world 3'eer el newspapers (we 3ashan ar7am el nas shwya….ha7'aly journal el ahram yekteb correct and exact updated information)! DAMN THE TECHNOLOGY!! 

7- Kol 3asaker el moroor will be deaf and mute….mish ha3ayen 3askary wa7ed bey3raf yetkalem….awalan 3ashan a7'la2 foras 3amal gedida le kol fe2at el sha3b we tany 7aga 3ashan for GOD'S SAKE ma7adesh yekoon tayeh we yeroo7 yes2af 3askary eno yemshy ezay!!!!! Maho e7na el bengeebo le nafsena ya ged3an….batalo tes2alohom….bas ana ha7el el moshkela men asas-ha we ha3ayenhom mabyenta2oosh kelma 7ata!! We 3ashan 7'ater el nas el day3a fel shaware3….I will activate the GPS services for free le kol mowaten! 

8- Tamer Hosny…ha3melo karar lewa7do eno lazem yeroo7 el gym we ye7la2 sha3r sedro….da fe 7alet eno 3aayez ye2la3 el 2amees fe aflamo…laken law fedel bel kersh we sha3r el sedr dool….hamna3 el rekaba enaha te3red ay film men aflamo we a3'aneeh Kaman! Ya ema yetla3 ba2a fel aflam zy ba2eet 7'al2 Allah men 3'eer fat7et el 2amees ma tewsal el kersho we yebayen ba2a el balawy el benshofha deh….7aram walahi el bey7sal fel moshahed!

Ana shayfa eno kefaya keda fe awel youm sho3'l…mish 3ayza atawel 3al nas aktar men keda we ashofko fe youm gedid of my governmental duties! 3ammar ya Masr



Leh ya Daddy magebteleesh Helicopter??

Howa leh mafeesh helicopters keteer fe masr? I think el 7okooma should really consider making use of the air space we have. El howa leh neseeb 7eta fadya fel balad we manesta3'alhash??? 7aram de mesa7a fadya we rabena hay7asebna 3aliha ya3ny!! Ya3ny al hamd lelah we are overusing the land, and we are using the underground…so why not use el gaw Kaman?

Instead of making use of the tiniest space fel shaware3…el howa badal ma nezawed el 3arabeyat aktar we aktar…aw badal ma nefta7 7'otoot gedid lel metro ...we can also make use lel gaw...bas el so2al hayeb2a….e7na hane3raf nenazam el gaw???